It started as small bumps underneath my skin around my cheeks. Then those bumps became pimples, acne, and cysts near my jaw, till pretty much my whole face was covered in spots. Hormonal acne is highly frustrating! I tried everything from masks to drinking water and cutting out certain foods from my diet (that only helped to a certain extent). Hoping to fix this pronto, I have been going to EPION regularly and been diligently using their hyaluronic acid serum [EPION 5.1 LIFT] twice a day to strengthen the skin’s protective barrier, moisturise and firm the epidermal layer, and stimulate collagen and elastin production.
The Plasma Pollution Defence has been doing wonders to my skin too as the ultrasonic cleanser removes existing oil clots before they evolve into their next phase — it kind of stings but I’m brave 🤪. The Vitamin C is the boost we all need, then I bask in this really intense LED red light that whips my skin into action to start the healing process. My face is not totally clear yet, but things are looking up! Currently, my spots are m-a-n-a-g-e-a-b-l-e, which is amazing to me right now. Looking forward to getting crystal clear skin soon! 🙂
Musician, Narelle Kheng | @narellekheng
With Milan and Paris fashion week around the corner, I have to look my best! My skin tends to get congested and dull when I travel due to the long work hours and lack of sleep, so thank goodness for the Plasma Pollution Defence facial. It removes dirt, brightens my skin, and reduces my acne flare-ups almost immediately. I especially like the cryofacial therapy at the end which leaves my skin revitalised and ready to go!
Business Consultant, Savina Chai | @savina_chai